Behavior and thought are generated by subconscious patterns created during early childhood. These patterns dictate how we perceive the world around us and how we assume and respond. This process often operates beneath our conscious awareness. This is why you know what NOT to do and still do it anyway.
This process takes 20 minutes and can be completed online in the privacy of your own home. This assessment maps specific data points from your life that are not story or feelings based - so don't worry if you don't remember much about your childhood.
This session gives you an in-depth breakdown of your diagnostics dashboard and explains what childhood inputs are responsible for generating patterns of behavior that create frustration, heartbreak, self-sabotage, cycles of addiction and more.
This report gives an step-by-step breakdown of your Brain Pattern Type including analysis of 3 subtypes that reveal your subconscious motivations, behavior cycles and even the thoughts you like to keep secret.
As a solutions-focused mental health company, we don't dwell on the pain points - we focus on the action items in the areas of concern to help you understand how to get to the other side efficiently and sustainably.
Right now, you can't separate yourself from it. You believe it IS you. There's only one problem - if it is you, why are you trying to destroy your own life? Your Brain Pattern is a direct result of your repetitive early childhood stimuli. Throughout childhood, we are held captive by our parents' rules, behaviors, emotional states and much more. The reality is that even the best parents and idealistic families still create a series of inputs that shape how our subconscious sees the world around us and in turn how we respond.
These rule sets masquerade as our personality and preferences but the truth is they are so much more. These data-based inputs generate a treasure trove of information that can be used to radically rewire your life and create true emotional freedom.
The online-based tool will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your diagnostic is then sent to our Behavior Strategy team. They review the findings and generate an in-depth report that is presented to you during your 1:1 Zoom session.
Here's the good news - Brain Pattern Mapping is about data not story. For this reason, even those with little to no childhood memory typically have the ability to complete the diagnostic evaluation with ease.
This is quite the opposite. During assessment tests like personality or strengths finders, you are asked to self-assess behaviors, preferences or habits. This can be distorted by something called self-deception. Brain Pattern Mapping is 100% data-driven and helps you see your own blindspots rather than answer questions through the lens of potential self-deception.
The report will break down 3 distinct sub-patterns: Source Belief Pattern, Emotional Addiction Cycle and Timeline Pattern. Each pattern description will help you understand your subconscious motivations or justifications for your cyclical behavior. The accuracy typically shakes people to their core and puts them immediately at ease. We typically feel like our issues are so unique and hopeless when the reality is that we are much more like a computer that only has 5 variations or models. Each model type dictates how we subconsciously ruin our own lives. But there is good news - once you have that information, you can sustainably rewire it with Break Method Emotional Repatterning.
These calls are set for 30 minutes. Depending on the severity of the presenting issues, the call may extend up to 45 minutes. Sessions are with trained Behavior Strategists on our team. Each Behavior Strategist is well-trained in Brain Pattern Mapping and are also program graduates.
Our motto: once you know better, it's your responsibility to do better. We try to instill an environment of radical personal responsibility in our clients and motivate each person to cross the finish line of sustainable rewiring. Rewiring programs typically take between 12-20 weeks and are focused on the principles of efficiency (not dragging it out longer than it needs to be), effectiveness (practical signs from your everyday life that you're changing) and sustainability (you learning to do this for yourself instead of becoming dependent on us).
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